<%+header%> <% function any_wsc_enabled(wsc_conf_mode) if (wsc_conf_mode == "7") then return 1; end if (wsc_conf_mode == "4") then return 1; end if (wsc_conf_mode == "2") then return 1; end if (wsc_conf_mode == "1") then return 1; end return 0; end local disp = require "luci.dispatcher" local path = disp.context.path local request = disp.context.request local mtkwifi = require("mtkwifi") local devname local vifname, vifidx local dev = {} local vif = {} if request[4] == "vif_add_view" then devname, vifname = request[5], request[6] local devs = mtkwifi.get_all_devs() dev = devs and devs[devname] vifname = vifname..#dev.vifs vifidx = #dev.vifs + 1 elseif request[4] == "vif_cfg_view" then devname, vifname = request[5], request[6] local devs = mtkwifi.get_all_devs() dev = devs and devs[devname] or nil vif = dev and dev.vifs[vifname] or nil vifidx = vif and vif.vifidx or nil end local cfgs = mtkwifi.load_profile(dev.profile) local WscValue = mtkwifi.token_get(cfgs["WscConfMode"], vifidx, "0") or "0" %>
" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return validate_security(<%=vifidx%>,<%=cfgs["HT_DisallowTKIP"]%>)" autocomplete="off"> <% if not dev or not vif then%>
Interface Not Exist - <%=vifname and devname.."@"..vifname or devname%>
<% else %>
无线高级设置 - <%=vifname and devname.."@"..vifname or devname%> <% local diff = mtkwifi.diff_profile(dev.profile) if next(diff) ~= nil then %> ('">reload to apply changes) <% end %> <% if dev.DBDC_MODE == "0" then %> <% end %>
SSID " required="required" />
隐藏 SSID checked="checked" <% end %> type="checkbox" />
隔离客户端 checked="checked" <% end %> type="checkbox" />
WMM 模式 checked="checked" <% end %> type="checkbox" />
强制发射速率 ( 0为自动,建议值 )
<% end %>