Custom Board Configuration -------------------------- [1] Image creation: To create the images using the configuration given in config/ directory use the command: "python --partition_tool=partition_tool --configdir=config/ --skip_export --cdt_bin=cb-cdt.mbn --cdt_modxml=config/cb-cdtmod.xml --cdt_outbin=cb-cdtnew.mbn --image_name=NAND_IMAGES" provided the partition_tool,,,, cb-cdt.mbn and the config directory are present in the current directory. Replace image name "NAND_IMAGES" with the required image name to be generated. List of images available are NAND_IMAGES, NOR_IMAGES, EMMC_IMAGES, NOR_PLUS_NAND_IMAGES, SMEM_IMAGES, CDT_IMAGES. If the listed tools are moved then give the corresponding path (e.g --partition_tool=/tmp/partition_tool) in the arguments. The output is created in the directory named out/ by default, this can be modified by adding one more arugment --outdir (e.g --outdir=/my/path/out). NOTE: The scripts expect the file boardconfig, so renaming it will not be possible without chaning scripts. However other files can be renamed (though not recommended) and in that case it should be refelected in the boardconfig file [2] Parition table customization: To customize patition table the XML for corresponding flash needs to be edited. For example for NAND boot edit the file config/nand-partition.xml and run the command as given in [1] [2.0] To add a new entry copy an existing parition entry and modify according to the below rules [2.1] In the partition XML the size can be given as size_kb or size_block options. If size_kb is given then last attribute should be 0xFF, whereus the size_block should have the last attribute as 0xFE [2.2] If the size_kb option is given as 0xFFFFFFFF, it is taken as grow parition, i.e all the remaining space is used for that pariticular parition. This makes only the last entry should be given grow parition size [2.3] The parition 0:SBL1 cannot be reordered and it always should be the first entry [3] DDR Parameter customization: To customize DDR parameters edit the XML file config/cb-cdtmod.xml file and run the command given in [1] The customization of DDR is possible with the values given in the config/cb-cdtmod.xml. These values are taken and patched in existing cdt.mbn binary. The number of rows, column and bank should match with the DDR being used and can be obtained from the DDR data sheet. If there is mismatch in these values it would create boot failure. Only DDR3 is supported using given XML file. [4] Machine ID customization: It is important to *change* the machine ID as all the boot and initialization process depends on the machine ID. Once necessary changes done in the application bootloader and HLOS for the machine ID, the machine ID needs to be entered in the below files: * config/boardconfig * config/cb-cdtmod.xml