Qualcomm Camera Subsystem

* Properties

- compatible:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <stringlist>
	Definition: Should contain:
		- "qcom,msm8916-camss"
- reg:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <prop-encoded-array>
	Definition: Register ranges as listed in the reg-names property.
- reg-names:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <stringlist>
	Definition: Should contain the following entries:
		- "csiphy0"
		- "csiphy0_clk_mux"
		- "csiphy1"
		- "csiphy1_clk_mux"
		- "csid0"
		- "csid1"
		- "ispif"
		- "csi_clk_mux"
		- "vfe0"
- interrupts:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <prop-encoded-array>
	Definition: Interrupts as listed in the interrupt-names property.
- interrupt-names:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <stringlist>
	Definition: Should contain the following entries:
		- "csiphy0"
		- "csiphy1"
		- "csid0"
		- "csid1"
		- "ispif"
		- "vfe0"
- power-domains:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <prop-encoded-array>
	Definition: A phandle and power domain specifier pairs to the
		    power domain which is responsible for collapsing
		    and restoring power to the peripheral.
- clocks:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <prop-encoded-array>
	Definition: A list of phandle and clock specifier pairs as listed
		    in clock-names property.
- clock-names:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <stringlist>
	Definition: Should contain the following entries:
                - "camss_top_ahb"
                - "ispif_ahb"
                - "csiphy0_timer"
                - "csiphy1_timer"
                - "csi0_ahb"
                - "csi0"
                - "csi0_phy"
                - "csi0_pix"
                - "csi0_rdi"
                - "csi1_ahb"
                - "csi1"
                - "csi1_phy"
                - "csi1_pix"
                - "csi1_rdi"
                - "camss_ahb"
                - "camss_vfe_vfe"
                - "camss_csi_vfe"
                - "iface"
                - "bus"
- vdda-supply:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <phandle>
	Definition: A phandle to voltage supply for CSI2.
- iommus:
	Usage: required
	Value type: <prop-encoded-array>
	Definition: A list of phandle and IOMMU specifier pairs.

* Nodes

- ports:
	Usage: required
	Definition: As described in video-interfaces.txt in same directory.
		- reg:
			Usage: required
			Value type: <u32>
			Definition: Selects CSI2 PHY interface - PHY0 or PHY1.
	Endpoint node properties:
		- clock-lanes:
			Usage: required
			Value type: <u32>
                        Definition: The physical clock lane index. The value
                                    must always be <1> as the physical clock
                                    lane is lane 1.
		- data-lanes:
			Usage: required
			Value type: <prop-encoded-array>
                        Definition: An array of physical data lanes indexes.
                                    Position of an entry determines the logical
                                    lane number, while the value of an entry
                                    indicates physical lane index. Lane swapping
                                    is supported.

* An Example

	camss: camss@1b00000 {
		compatible = "qcom,msm8916-camss";
		reg = <0x1b0ac00 0x200>,
			<0x1b00030 0x4>,
			<0x1b0b000 0x200>,
			<0x1b00038 0x4>,
			<0x1b08000 0x100>,
			<0x1b08400 0x100>,
			<0x1b0a000 0x500>,
			<0x1b00020 0x10>,
			<0x1b10000 0x1000>;
		reg-names = "csiphy0",
		interrupts = <GIC_SPI 78 0>,
			<GIC_SPI 79 0>,
			<GIC_SPI 51 0>,
			<GIC_SPI 52 0>,
			<GIC_SPI 55 0>,
			<GIC_SPI 57 0>;
		interrupt-names = "csiphy0",
		power-domains = <&gcc VFE_GDSC>;
		clocks = <&gcc GCC_CAMSS_TOP_AHB_CLK>,
			<&gcc GCC_CAMSS_CSI0_CLK>,
			<&gcc GCC_CAMSS_CSI1_CLK>,
			<&gcc GCC_CAMSS_AHB_CLK>,
			<&gcc GCC_CAMSS_VFE0_CLK>,
                clock-names = "camss_top_ahb",
		vdda-supply = <&pm8916_l2>;
		iommus = <&apps_iommu 3>;
		ports {
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			port@0 {
				reg = <0>;
				csiphy0_ep: endpoint {
					clock-lanes = <1>;
					data-lanes = <0 2>;
					remote-endpoint = <&ov5645_ep>;